Transforming Safety: Custom Industrial Safety Videos

Written by Office

On August 22, 2023
industrial safety videos


Safety is a top priority in the fast-paced world of industrial operations. Ensuring the well-being of employees while encouraging best practises in industrial safety is critical to the success of any business. The necessity for compelling and customised industrial safety videos to respond to unique industry requirements was recognised by EFFE Animation, a prominent animation business. This case study explains how EFFE Animation collaborated with EPIROC MINING INDIA LIMITED to develop personalised industrial safety videos, putting safety first.    



EPIROC MINING INDIA LIMITED, a well-known mining & chemical company, is well-known for its steadfast dedication to employee safety and adherence to the highest safety standards. Through the use of industrial safety movies, the company hoped to improve its safety training programme by leveraging the power of visual storytelling.  



The goal for EPIROC MINING INDIA LIMITED was to provide a comprehensive safety training programme that would effectively connect with its diverse workforce. Traditional training approaches struggled to keep employees’ attention and involvement, resulting in insufficient knowledge retention and safety compliance    



Understanding the specific needs of EPIROC MINING INDIA LIMITED, EFFE Animation created a custom solution that combines cutting-edge industry knowledge and captivating storytelling approaches.

Customization for Relevance: To get a complete grasp of the company’s safety protocols, potential dangers, and employee demographics, EFFE Animation undertook in-depth interviews with EPIROC MINING INDIA LIMITED’s safety specialists. This understanding served as the foundation for developing extremely relevant and targeted industrial safety videos.

Engaging Visual Storytelling: EFFE Animation created appealing narratives for each safety issue by leveraging their skills in animation and visual storytelling. The videos not only provided critical safety information, but also emotionally connected with the employees, developing genuine care for their well-being.

The need of following safety requirements was effectively communicated through realistic pictures of workplace events and potential hazards.

Clear Communication of Best Practises: The industrial safety videos focused on clearly presenting best practises and safety procedures. Complex safety protocols were simplified using simple graphics and succinct explanations to ensure optimum comprehension.    



EPIROC MINING INDIA LIMITED’s safety training programme was transformed by EFFE Animation’s customised industrial safety videos:

enhanced Safety Awareness: The customised movies were well received by the staff, resulting in enhanced safety awareness and a better understanding of best practises.

Increased Employee Engagement and Retention: EFFE Animation’s captivating storytelling technique captured employees, leading in higher knowledge retention and execution of safety protocols.

Reduced occurrences: The implementation of the safety guidelines offered in the videos resulted in a significant reduction in workplace occurrences, improving EPIROC MINING INDIA LIMITED’s overall safety record.

Empowered Safety Culture: The customised videos instilled in employees a sense of ownership over their safety, promoting a proactive safety culture at the organisation.    


industrial safety videos



The partnership of EFFE Animation and EPIROC MINING INDIA LIMITED proved the considerable impact of customised industrial safety videos on safety training programmes. EFFE Animation ensured that safety became a major concern for EPIROC MINING INDIA LIMITED by offering interesting and relevant content, resulting in a safer work environment and a more safety-conscious staff. As businesses in a variety of industries recognise the importance of customised industrial safety movies, EFFE Animation remains a reliable partner in making safety more accessible and compelling for organisations globally. Choose EFFE Animation today to improve your safety training and safeguard your most precious asset – your employees. For more information : Visit Post  


    industrial safety videos


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Project name: “Transforming Safety: Custom Industrial Safety Videos”

Project duration: 7 days

Project cost: Get quote


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